Sunday, April 11, 2010

ClearAdmit Best of Blogging 2009-2010 Nominee!

I was very excited to learn earlier this week that Sunnyside Up has been once again nominated by ClearAdmit for a Best of Blogging award!

While I know that I haven't been as good at posting regularly this year, I appreciate all of you who continue to visit my site and leave comments. I will work on catching up on some of the posts that I've thought of but haven't had time to write during the summer when at least the homework slows down.

Thanks again for this great honor, ClearAdmit!


Paragon2Pieces said...

congratulations :)

Unknown said...

Hi Lauren,

Congratulations on your second year of being nominated! To receive your ballot and cast your vote, please email 'bob' 'at'


Greg said...

Hi Lauren,
I am a New York journalist writing about the MBA blogging experience for John Byrne, former exec editor at Businessweek. I really enjoy your blog and would love to talk with you further about why you blog, what you hope to gain from it, and how you think it affects other people. You'll be in good company in the story! Talking to Managing Magic and Stephen Windsor over at Kellogg as well. Please shoot me an email if you are interested in talking more. Hope you are!
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