Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Golden Apple Triangles

Apparently cookies for dessert night is just lame. Good thing someone told me. I wouldn't want to be lame! (though in light of my moving I might violate this next week) Thus, I went searching through my various food blogs on my Google Reader and found a tasty and still easy recipe for Golden Apple Triangles.

When the recipe tells you to save the drained apple juice, you should definitely remember to do that. I remembered for part of it, but you can't throw out the extra until the triangles are in the oven. Also, the sugar in the raw sugar for the top is a must. Definitely worth the investment. This is a really easy recipe that you can wow your guests with (several even asked me if I made the pastry dough) and really doesn't take too long. Just make sure you didn't pack your cheese grater prior to the recipe ;).

It was a yummy night. Tara contributed rice krispie treats which I hear were yummy and Carly brought strawberry rhubarb pie and L1 brought ice cream and a wide variety of toppings. All in all, it was a good crowd and great food.

Go here to make your own Golden Apple Triangles.

Here's evidence that Rick showed up to dessert night...

Apparently my moving boxes are more fun than I thought. See what you get when we lock the smokers out.

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